You may have seen the words “Cyclone Rake,” along with our logo, scattered across the site. Here’s the part of the website where we tell you who we are and why FindFall exists.

Cyclone Rake has been the leaf vacuum industry leader for nearly thirty years.

What does this mean?

Well, on one hand this means that we sell a product that makes it infinitely easier for you to pick up leaves and restore your yard to its utmost glory.

But even more than this, this means our company revolves around fall.

We understand that fall has become more than a season. For this, we need to look no further than the obsession with pumpkin spiced lattes, crisp air, and cozy sweaters.

While we love these things just as much as the next person, we believe the onset of fall signals something much deeper.

To us, the crisp air and changing leaves serves as a reminder to contemplate, recalibrate, and connect with the natural world. That’s why we created this website. That’s the essence of FindFall.

We hope you utilize FindFall in a way that connects you deeper to nature and your loved ones to make lasting memories.


Your friends at Cyclone Rake

Your trusted partner for fall cleanup.

Discover how this remarkable product can make yard maintenance a breeze.


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